Will President Trump's National Security Strategy Succeed?

Dov Zakheim, Business Insider/Foreign Policy: Trump's national security strategy may succeed more than people think

* President Donald Trump's recently unveiled national security strategy is a well-crafted document that should reassure allies and partners, and give adversaries considerable pause.
* His harsh words for Iran and North Korea are particularly welcome.
* But the omission of Russia and Turkey when discussing the state of the Middle East is also noteworthy.

Several of my colleagues have already pointed out — with obvious relief — that the new National Security Strategy does not veer to sharply from those espoused by President Trump’s predecessors, at least until Ronald Reagan.

Indeed, the document devotes a section to “peace through strength,” a phrase much associated with the Gipper and his secretary of defense, Caspar Weinberger. It is primarily in the realm of politico-military affairs that the Strategy fits within the mainstream of national security policy.

It is a well-crafted document that should reassure allies and partners, and give adversaries considerable pause. That is not at the case with respect to domestic policy, however.

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WNU Editor: President Trump's National Security document is here. As to what is my take on this document .... too early to pass any judgements.

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