Bloomberg: North Korea Begins Tests to Load Anthrax Onto ICBMs, Report Says
North Korea has begun tests to load anthrax onto intercontinental ballistic missiles, Japan’s Asahi newspaper reported Tuesday, citing an unidentified person connected to South Korea’s intelligence services.
The report said the testing involves ensuring the anthrax survives the immense temperatures generated during re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere. North Korea has a stockpile of between 2,500 tons to 5,000 tons of chemical weapons, and is capable of producing biological agents such as anthrax and smallpox, South Korea has previously said.
The Asahi report comes a day after the White House published its National Security Strategy, a document that said Pyongyang is "pursuing chemical and biological weapons which could also be delivered by missile."
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Update: North Korea Reportedly Testing Anthrax-Tipped ICBMs (Zero Hedge)
WNU Editor: Just an observation .... this blog has been covering North Korea since the beginning, but I have noticed in the past year that the avalanche of intelligence information being made public on North Korea has been overwhelming.