Still continuing, one more list, with extracts and commentary from "The Reader's Companion to Military History."
"The Ten Most Important Land Battles."
* Chalons. [European coalition/Huns]
* Hastings. [Norman/Saxon]
* Yorktown. [American/British]
* Waterloo. [Seventh Coalition/French]
* Gettysburg. [Union/Confederate]
* Marne. [WW1]
* Khalkin-Gol. [Soviet/Japanese]
* Battle of Britain. [[WW2]
* Stalingrad. [WW2]
* D-Day. [WW2]
NO Tours, Carrhae, Teutoburg Forest, Talas, Ain Jalut. Each as normally deemed a high-water mark from the persepective of military and world history both! NONE of which seen as worthy of inclusion?