How Many Times Has The U.S. Intel Community Violated The Trust Of Its Citizens?

Sharyl Attkisson, The Hill: 10 times the intel community violated the trust of US citizens, lawmakers and allies

No matter where you stand politically, a growing body of facts raises the question: Is there systemic corruption or misfeasance at work inside America’s intelligence agencies?

By that, I don’t mean people stealing money. I mean officials who are stealing our privacy — using the tools of intelligence-gathering and law-enforcing, which are meant to protect Americans, to instead spy on them, to gather information that isn’t the government’s business (at least not without a court’s approval). And, in some instances, it appears, to punish or silence those with whom they disagree — personal and political foes, in and out of government — rather than to pursue and protect Americans from the country’s real enemies.

Perhaps more alarming is the growing evidence that suggests some officials at all levels in intelligence and justice agencies are operating in a way that is clearly intended to serve their own political beliefs and interests — not the public’s interests.

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WNU Editor: Sharyl Attkisson gives ten examples .... including her own case against the U.S. government. I would add a few more .... with the latest one being the apparent unmasking of Trump officials in the past year.

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