World News Briefs -- November 27, 2017

BBC: Mount Agung: Bali volcano alert raised to highest level

About 100,000 people near Bali's Mount Agung have been ordered to evacuate as officials fear a major eruption.

Indonesian authorities have raised the state of alert to its highest level, and expanded the exclusion zone around the rumbling volcano.

The island's airport has now closed, leaving thousands stranded in the tourist hotspot.

Authorities say dark gas and ash have been billowing up to 3,400m (11,150ft) above the mountain's summit.

Officials have warned residents to stay away from rock and debris flows known as lahars, which have been spotted flowing down from the mountain.

Mount Agung's volcanic tremors first began in September.

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Syria: Russian air strikes 'kill dozens of civilians'. Syria: 80 people killed in just over 24 hours.

Syria courts China for rebuilding push after fall of Islamic State’s strongholds.

Kurdish-led SDF will join Syrian army if federal state guaranteed: Rojava official.

Iraq face tough battle against IS desert hideouts.

Iraq invites foreign bids to develop oil/gas fields.

Wheat aid arrives in blockaded Yemen amid famine fears.

Hamas rejects disarmament talk ahead of reconciliation deadline.


Pakistani law minister quits after weeks of anti-blasphemy protests. Pakistan's Law Minister has resigned, ceding to the demand of Islamist protesters.

‘Apocalyptic scenario’ possible on Korean Peninsula: Russian diplomat.

South Korea uses loudspeakers to taunt North Korea over a defecting soldier who was shot several times by his former comrades as he fled across the border.

North Korea's use of automatic fire violates armistice, Seoul says. South Korea warns North to stop violating armistice agreement.

S. Korean envoy on N. Korean nuke to visit U.S. next week.

Clashes between IS, Taliban displace hundreds in eastern Afghanistan.

Japan to assert greater control over privately owned land on remote islands.

Pope Francis urges peace in Myanmar amid mass Rohingya exodus.

100,000 told to evacuate Bali as volcano threat rises. Bali's Mount Agung volcano erupts, prompting mass evacuation order.


Zimbabwe: Army operation that led to Mugabe ouster ends.

Zimbabwe activists fear post-Mugabe human rights crackdown.

Zimbabwe officially declares Mugabe national holiday.

Kenya's economy slows amid political uncertainty.

Egypt-Ethiopia tensions over new dam rise again.

Renewed Ethiopia clashes kill more than 20: state media.

Sudan says militia leader Musa Hilal arrested. Sudan forces arrest top Darfur militia chief.

Miss Universe winner: South Africa's Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters takes the crown.


Angela Merkel's CDU backs German government 'grand coalition' strategy.

Germany coalition: Crucial week of talks in bid to end impasse.

A year on from terror attack, Berlin Christmas market opens calmly.

Compromise sought as clock ticks down to snap Irish election.

Chechnya leader Ramzan Kadyrov 'ready to resign'.

Prince Harry 'thrilled' to marry girlfriend Meghan Markle next year.

More than 100 reindeer killed by freight trains in Norway.


Honduras presidential vote: Both candidates claim victory. Opposition takes early lead in Honduras election.

Suit seeks to stop Trump from naming acting director of CFPB.

Archbishop of Canterbury baffled by Christians who back Trump.

Keystone's existing pipeline spills far more than predicted to regulators.

Weinstein inquiry: police departments likely to join forces, experts say. 'We're not finished yet': LAPD predicts even bigger name stars will face sex-crime probes as it reveals there are 28 open investigations linked to Hollywood.

US Justices to weigh cell phone privacy in landmark case.

Maduro taps major general to lead Venezuela's deteriorating oil industry.


10 Qaeda suspects killed in Yemen drone strikes.

Islamic Military Alliance urges stronger media role in combating extremism.

Pentagon battles college trying to sell art by ‘terrorists’.

Trump calls for crushing terrorists with military means.


OPEC clash with U.S. for oil supremacy near day of reckoning.

Bitcoin approaches $10,000 a piece.

YouTube investigates 'disturbing' autofill results.

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