Is America Really 'Up And Ready' To Fight A Second Cold War?

Patrick Buchanan: Is America Up for a Second Cold War?

After the 19th national congress of the Chinese Communist Party in October, one may discern Premier Xi Jinping’s vision of the emerging New World Order.

By 2049, the centennial of the triumph of Communist Revolution, China shall have become the first power on earth. Her occupation and humiliation by the West and Japan in the 19th and 20th centuries will have become hated but ancient history.

America will have been pushed out of Asia and the western Pacific back beyond the second chain of islands.

Taiwan will have been returned to the motherland, South Korea and the Philippines neutralized, Japan contained. China’s claim to all the rocks, reefs and islets in the South China Sea will have been recognized by all current claimants.

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WNU Editor: The America of today reminds me of the Soviet Union of the 1980s .... the political elites have been discredited, the media is not trusted, fighting wars in places like Afghanistan, and the principles that united the Soviet Union over time were chipped away or hated just as the principles that made America great are now under constant attack for being unfair, racist, or worse. If I was to put a date, I would say that the will among many in the Soviet Union and the eastern bloc to fight and win the Cold War kinda/sorta ended when groups like Solidarność started popping up throughout eastern Europe. In this context .... will the U.S. be willing to engage in a second Cold War today .... and maybe against a foe like China? My answer is no. And in the case of China, most Americans today do not even see China as a threat, which is interesting, because many in China have an opposite point of view .... Chinese Public Sees The U.S. As Their Top Threat (October 6, 2017).

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