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"General John Kelly: US Civil War That Ended Slavery Was a Mistake"

"Chief of Staff General John Kelly — frequently praised by liberals for being the adult in the room of Trump’s White House — gave an interview yesterday to Laura Ingraham where he said the US civil war happened because of a failure to compromise, causing outrage across the country."

Failure to compromise? NO! Emphatically NO! Compromise between the states in all cases regarding the issue of slavery.

For a FORTY YEAR period prior to the Rebellion and secession of the Southern states there had been NOTHING but compromise or proposed compromise.

Those most significant agreed compromise to include:

1. Missouri Compromise.
2. Compromise of 1850.

Add to list of agreed compromise those compromise and amendments not adopted or ratified:

3. Crittenden Compromise.
4. Corwin Amendment.

Indeed! The U.S. Constitution as adopted in 1787 having a number of compromises regarding the issue of slavery:

    "The new Constitution of the United States has compromises to protect slavery. Representation in the House and Electoral College is increased by counting each slave as three-fifths of a person (Article I, Section 2), the passage of any law that would prohibit the importation of slaves is forbidden for 20 years (Article I, Section 9) and the return of slaves who escape to free states is required (Article IV, Section 2)."

Lack of compromise? NO!


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