Washington Times: Pentagon welcomes greater freedom under Trump but is wary of blame
Pentagon officials are welcoming the greater autonomy and decision-making authority under President Trump, after what they say were years of Obama administration micromanaging.
Within the hallways and offices of the Pentagon, top military brass and national security leaders have lauded the actions taken by the Trump administration, saying privately that the Defense Department now has an opportunity to take the fight to America’s enemies after being freed from the White House’s heavy yoke under President Obama.
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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- June 26, 2017
Missile Threats Are Surging Worldwide, U.S. Defense Study Finds -- Bloomberg
Arctic outpost becomes hotbed of Russian military activity --
Secret Russian satellite launched from Plesetsk Cosmodrome -- Space Flight Now
Russian arms exporter raked in $24 bln for selling 50 warships since 2000 -- TASS
A Russian Military Helicopter Reportedly Buzzed An American Diplomatic Car In Alleged Election Payback -- FoxTrot Alpha
PLA carrier sets off for drills and a port call in Hong Kong -- South China Morning Post
Oman receives first Eurofighter Typhoon -- UPI
Exclusive: Iran operating drones in Balochistan since March -- Daily Pakistan
'Our population doesn't look like all white guys': Canada's military tries to rebrand as ultra-inclusive -- National Post
Analyst: North Korea's biochem weapons being built in hidden facilities - UPI
How U.S., South Korean Special Ops Would Join Forces in a New Korean War -- Cipher Brief
F-16s Built in India? Thinking Through the Strategic Impact -- Danny Lam, RCS/Second Line of Defense
US Aircraft Carrier to Dock in Israeli Port of Haifa in July -- Algemeiner
EU nations to boost joint military equipment acquisition -- Defense News/AP
How NATO is getting serious about Russia -- Macleans
Sweden eyes major overhaul of air defense systems citing potential Russian threat -- RT
Uneasy Times In Europe As Continent Mulls Next Fighter -- Breaking Defense
Would Russia Attack & Invade the Baltics? Could US F-35s and Special Ops Forces Stop a Russian Invasion? -- Scout Warrior
No, hackers can’t ‘take control of Trident’ -- UK Defense Journal
Army Weapons Developers Assess How Future Enemies Will Attack Forward Operating Bases -- Scout Warrior
Marines Prepare to Do ‘Impossible’ With Ship-Launched Combat Drone -- DoD Buzz
Hypoxia Threatens Navy and Air Force Pilots, and the Threat Is Growing -- Popular Mechanics
Electronic Warfare ‘Growing’; Joint Airborne EW Study Underway -- Breaking Defense
Raytheon completes testing of USAF's Small Diameter Bomb II -- Air Force Technology
Air Force’s F-16 ‘Wild Weasels’ Hunt Missile Sites, Destroy Them -- Defense Tech
Navy Increases Design Support for its New Fleet of Nuclear-Armed "Columbia-Class" Submarines -- Scout Warrior
Pentagon Dusts Off Retired Warships as US Navy -- Sputnik
2 US aircraft carriers may get America's answer to China's 'carrier killer' missile -- Business Insider
The U.S. Navy Has a New Way to Protect Its Aircraft Carriers from Enemy Missiles -- National Interest
US Lawmakers Push for Bigger Navy, But Where’s the Money? -- Sandra Erwin, RCD
Hypersonic Weapon Defense Will Be Hard and Expensive -- Popular Mechanics
US House panel takes up $658B defense spending bill -- Defense News
House lawmakers want space-based missile defense strategy -- Defense News
Pentagon weighs possible delay in new transgender recruits -- Reuters
Prior to Snowden, NSA Had No Clue How Many Were Approved to Download Top Secret Info -- Washington Free Beacon
Why America’s Mighty Military Doesn't Always Dominate the Battlefield -- Dave Majumdar, National post