Is The Special Counsel Investigation Led By Robert Mueller On The Trump Campaign Already Tainted?

Former FBI Director James Comey, left, was fired last week. Now his good friend and predecessor at the bureau, Robert Mueller, has been appointed special counsel for an investigation into Trump associates' alleged links with the Russians. (Joshua Roberts, Molly Riley/Reuters)

Legal Insurrection: Robert Mueller should step aside: Friends shouldn’t be investigating friends

James Comey tainted the Special Counsel investigation.

The Special Counsel investigation led by Robert Mueller barely has gotten off the ground, and already there is a stench.

That stench was created by former FBI Director James Comey, who admitted in testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee that he leaked, through a friend, memoranda purporting to document improper conversations between Donald Trump and Comey. Most important among those conversations was a February 14, 2017, one-on-one meeting in which Trump supposedly told Comey that Trump “hoped” that Comey would see fit to “let go” of the investigation into Michael Flynn.

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Update #1: Comey and Mueller Have a History as a Deep State Tag Team (Clarice Feldman, American Thinker)
Update #2: Is Robert Mueller conflicted in Trump probe? (Byron York, Washington Examiner)

WNU Editor: As I had mentioned in a post yesterday, people are getting nervous .... Some People Are Getting Nervous On What Special Counsel Robert Mueller Is Doing And His Connections To James Comey (June 11, 2017). A day later .... this concern is no longer just isolated to a few blogs (like this one) .... it is now at the next level where major blogs and websites are now wondering how can an investigation be impartial when two of the principles know each other this closely. As to what is my take .... what started as concerns over Russian interference in the election .... something that this blog has been covering non-stop since the beginning .... is now appearing to be about the interactions between Comey and Trump. Special Counsel Robert Mueller has known James Comey for years .... working closely since 9/11 .... so how he not avoid giving the appearance that the entire process has now being tainted. In other words .... can he investigate his own friend? As for Acting Attorney General Rosenstein who appointed Robert Mueller to lead this special investigation .... he has some serious explaining to do. To begin .... did he know that former FBI Director James Comey and Robert Mueller have know each other for 15 years .... and did he not think this would be a problem if the center of the investigation would shift to Comey. Again .... can a friend investigate a friend? In my world the answer is no .... but I guess in their world the answer is slightly "convoluted".

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