WNU Editor: According to the officials who were present in the Oval Office when President Trump met the Russian ambassador .... Director of National Security McMaster, Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Powell and US Secretary of State Tillerson .... no sources, methods, or ongoing military operations were revealed to the Russians. But according to Washington Post reporter Greg Miller who uses an anonymous source for his story .... and the media/political response that has occurred in the past 12 hours .... the narrative is that highly classified intelligence was revealed to the Russians. So who to believe? For those who want more than one anonymous source when doing a report .... this story does not even pass the smell test. But for those who are fiercely opposed to President Trump .... this is one of the most serious breaches in U.S. intelligence history, proof that President Trump has been compromised by the Russians, and that he should be removed from office. In short .... like the firing of FBI Director Comey (a story that has now disappeared from the news headlines) .... I am seeing the meltdown of the media/Democrats/never Trumpers all-over again. As to what is my take .... I was not in the Oval Office nor do I trust one anonymous leaker .... but I do know that private discussions between world leaders and/or their representatives are .... by their nature .... always highly classified, and any leak on what was discussed is highly illegal. This intelligence leak .... which is one of many over the past few months .... and even if it is not true .... just adds more fuel to the fire on rumours that the Trump administration is at war with certain elements within the U.S. intelligence community. And talk about timing .... if you want to put a cloud on an important upcoming trip (President Trump is flying to the Middle East this Friday) .... what better way to do it than now.
Who To Believe? Top U.S. Administrations Officials Or One Anonymous Intel Source On President Trump Giving Classified Intel To Russia
WNU Editor: According to the officials who were present in the Oval Office when President Trump met the Russian ambassador .... Director of National Security McMaster, Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Powell and US Secretary of State Tillerson .... no sources, methods, or ongoing military operations were revealed to the Russians. But according to Washington Post reporter Greg Miller who uses an anonymous source for his story .... and the media/political response that has occurred in the past 12 hours .... the narrative is that highly classified intelligence was revealed to the Russians. So who to believe? For those who want more than one anonymous source when doing a report .... this story does not even pass the smell test. But for those who are fiercely opposed to President Trump .... this is one of the most serious breaches in U.S. intelligence history, proof that President Trump has been compromised by the Russians, and that he should be removed from office. In short .... like the firing of FBI Director Comey (a story that has now disappeared from the news headlines) .... I am seeing the meltdown of the media/Democrats/never Trumpers all-over again. As to what is my take .... I was not in the Oval Office nor do I trust one anonymous leaker .... but I do know that private discussions between world leaders and/or their representatives are .... by their nature .... always highly classified, and any leak on what was discussed is highly illegal. This intelligence leak .... which is one of many over the past few months .... and even if it is not true .... just adds more fuel to the fire on rumours that the Trump administration is at war with certain elements within the U.S. intelligence community. And talk about timing .... if you want to put a cloud on an important upcoming trip (President Trump is flying to the Middle East this Friday) .... what better way to do it than now.