NATO Leaders Smirk At President Trump

DW: Some NATO leaders smirk, others support Trump's tough NATO message

Critics saw the US president's NATO debut as the latest in a series of political missteps. But for his supporters, Donald Trump delivered a slam dunk by pushing his views - and himself - into the spotlight.

NATO is calling its long-awaited, highly choreographed leaders' summit a "success." For many observers both inside and outside the alliance headquarters, the bar was set merely at preventing explosions. And not just in the sense of a security threat at the new NATO HQ but also as far as tempers around the table during a working dinner Thursday evening.

US President Donald Trump's first visit to NATO played out in what many are describing simply as the Donald Trump way. While European governments may have been hoping to hear him recommit the United States to collective defense - standing next to the "9/11 and Article V" memorial was a heavy hint - few were surprised he didn't.

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WNU Editor: President Trump went to the NATO meeting representing the interests of the U.S. .... and for this I give him kudos. He articulated the U.S. position very clearly. He did not buy into the chorus line that everyone is doing their part. And he questioned THEIR commitment to NATO by pointing out their lack of money and resources in their defense budgets. And yes .... I saw the smirks .... your typical elitist European politician/bureaucrat altitude of entitlement and privilege. And as for the criticism of President ignoring Article 5, which commits members to collective defense .... oh please .... no one believes otherwise .... and the knowledgeable know that this is nothing more but deflection from the real issue .... which is again the lack of commitment of money and resources by these member states to NATO.

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