U.S. Intelligence Community Reorienting Its Terrorism Fight In Afghanistan

CNN: Biden administration still weighing CIA drone strike policy amid Afghanistan withdrawal 

Washington (CNN)As President Joe Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan nears completion, his administration still hasn't finalized its policy for pursuing terrorists in the country once US troops have departed. 

While the US military will retain authority to carry out strikes against the Taliban in support of Afghan forces, as CNN reported on Friday, that authority does not necessarily extend to counter-terrorism operations in the country against those suspected of planning attacks against the US homeland or allies. 

For years, the CIA and US military have had broad authority to kill suspected terrorists in Afghanistan, targeting decisions that could be made by senior military and intelligence officials and did not always need final sign off by the White House.  

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WNU Editor: This development of a new drone strike policy is part of a broader assessment on what to do next .... Afghan pullout has US spies reorienting in terrorism fight (AP).

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