Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Wore Blackface At A Party In 2001

Justin Trudeau, now the prime minister of Canada, appears in dark makeup on his face, neck and hands at a 2001 "Arabian Nights"-themed party at the West Point Grey Academy, the private school where he taught. TIME

Time: Justin Trudeau Wore Brownface at 2001 ‘Arabian Nights’ Party While He Taught at a Private School

Justin Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister, wore brownface makeup to a party at the private school where he was teaching in the spring of 2001. TIME has obtained a photograph of the incident.

The photograph has not been previously reported. The picture was taken at an “Arabian Nights”-themed gala. It shows Trudeau, then the 29-year-old son of the late former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, wearing a turban and robes with his face, neck and hands completely darkened. The photograph appears in the 2000-2001 yearbook of West Point Grey Academy, a private day school where Trudeau was a teacher.

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WNU Editor: This is a bombshell story in Canada, and it is happening right in the middle of an election campaign. As for the picture itself. Talk about looking creepy. And is that a student or his girlfriend that he is groping? For the past week the Liberal Party of Canada has been playing 15 year old video clips from Conservative opposition leader Andrew Scheer and his pro-life position, as well pointing out past comments made by other Conservative candidates years ago. The Prime Minister himself has been accusing the opposition of racism and stoking prejudices and hate. But how can you explain this? My bet is that the Prime Minister will be going in front of the cameras tonight to profusely apologize for what he did. On a side note. It was the American news website Time that broke this story, not a Canadian one. So is the Canadian press asleep on the job? And is there anything else out there that we should know (I am willing to bet that there is).

Update #1: Not surprised. Another photo has now emerged from a different event .... BREAKING: New photo emerges of Justin Trudeau in blackface in high school (Post Millennial).

Update #2: The reaction among the opposition has been overwhelming .... 'Insulting,' 'shocking,' troubling:' Party leaders react to photo of Trudeau in brownface (News1130).

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