The U.S. Navy Is Admitting That A Key 'UFO' Patent Is Operable

Warzone/The Drive: Navy's Advanced Aerospace Tech Boss Claims Key 'UFO' Patent Is Operable

Navy officials claim their radical electromagnetic and superconductor technologies aren't theoretical, they’re already operable in some form.

Last month, The War Zone reported on a series of strange patent applications the U.S. Navy has filed over the last few years and questioned what their connections may be with the ongoing saga of Navy personnel reporting incidents involving unidentified objects in or near U.S. airspace.

We have several active Freedom of Information Act requests with the Department of Navy to pursue more information related to the research that led to these patents. As those are being processed, we've continued to dig through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's (USPTO) Public Patent Application Information Retrieval database to get as much context for these patents as possible.

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WNU Editor: I am surprised that the US Navy went through the trouble of having these patents approved.

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