U.K. Prime Minister May May Allow MPs To Vote On Multiple Options

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Daily Mail: PM may allow MPs to vote on SEVEN options - including a second referendum and cancelling Brexit - if her deal fails next week, sparking fury from Leavers who brand plot a 'national humiliation'

* Theresa May left Brussels a day early and has returned to Downing Street to try to get support for her deal
* She has summoned key ministers to No 10 and will head to Chequers this weekend to try to save EU divorce
* Government said to be considering giving MPs a free vote on seven directions Brexit could go if PM loses vote
* Marathon EU summit broke up last night with agreement among EU leaders on the terms of Brexit delay
* There are now two dates: Britain can stay in the European Union until April 12 whether or not the deal passes
* If MPs pass May's Brexit deal next week then Britain can stay in the bloc until May 22 to pass necessary laws

Theresa May was today accused of 'declaring open war' on her own Eurosceptic MPs by promising a free vote on a second referendum or revoking Article 50 if her Brexit deal is killed off next week.

Downing Street will ask MPs from all parties to help find her a Plan B as Tory rebels said their 'isolated' leader should 'name a date' for her resignation after failing to deliver Brexit for March 29.

Mrs May is expected to hold a vote to gauge support among MPs for the seven main paths for Brexit: The PM's deal, No Deal, a second referendum, Labour's preferred customs union deal, a Norway-plus EEA deal, a Canada-plus free trade deal or revoking Article 50 and staying in the EU.

Brexiteers are furious because it would give control to Parliament, where the majority of MPs are remainers who want the softest possible Brexit or no Brexit at all.

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WNU Editor: The problem is that the the people who voted for Brexit are not represented by the majority of the members in Parliament. This is also a classic example of a lame duck Prime Minister who is "at war" with the majority of her own party in Parliament. Prime Minister Theresa May is finished, and this third vote is going to resolve nothing .... Britain's had 3 years to do Brexit. Another 3 weeks won't help (Luke McGee, CNN). What we are seeing now are pro-EU politicians laying the groundwork to either revoke Article 50, or to shelve the entire project for the future, which would essentially mean killing Brexit.

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