Robert E. Kelly, National Interest: North Korea Really Wants a Peace Treaty but What Will It Give Up?
Unless Kim gives something big, America and South Korea would be better off not signing any document.
I have argued throughout 2018 against giving North Korea a peace treaty without substantial counter-concessions. South Korean president Moon Jae-in is a progressive and a dove on North Korea. He is leading this year’s outreach to the North, and part of his wider agenda is winding down the technically still unfinished Korean War of 1950–53. To my mind, Moon has been overly-willing to grant this for too little in return. Others in South Korea and the United States—South Korea’s main treaty ally—have argued similarly.
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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 9, 2018
Will Khashoggi's disappearance affect Turkish-Saudi ties? -- Ali Younes, Al Jazeera
Jamal Khashoggi: Does diplomatic immunity make it possible to get away with murder? -- Erin Handley, ABC News Online
The Saudi Monarchy May Have Killed a Free Man -- Doug Bandow, National Interest
Saudi journalist disappearance ruffles feathers in Washington -- Alison Tahmizian Meuse, Asia Times
Afghanistan: We Must Decide on a New War Strategy -- David Craig, RCP
NATO in Afghanistan: 'Private military contractors are out of the question' -- Abdul Bari Hakim (Interview), DW
Breaking down the walls strangling China’s private sector -- Gordon Watts, Asia Times
China's economic warfare can be just as damaging to U.S. -- L. Todd Wood, Washington Times
The Russian hacks were a joke, but China's are no laughing matter -- Damien McElroy, The National
Espionage scandals show Russian army's growing clout -- Andrew Osborn, Reuters
‘The horror we live in’: journalist's murder shocks Bulgaria -- Shaun Walker, The Guardian
Will Milorad Dodik break up Bosnia? -- David Chater, Al Jazeera
Brazil leans toward unsparing vision of far-right Bolsonaro -- Peter Prengaman and Sarah Dilorenzo, AP
Nikki Haley Resigns as U.N. Ambassador -- Mairead McArdle, NRO
Nikki Haley’s Possible Replacements at the UN -- Russell Berman, The Atlantic