Evil: The female ISIS deserter, known only as Hajer, reveals how she would enjoy torturing women during her time with Al-Khansaa, pictured
Daily Mail: 'I enjoyed torturing women. Especially when their fathers or husbands were there': Female ISIS torturer describes horrors she inflicted and says British female jihadists were the most brutal
* Hajer, 25, was a member of the all-female Al-Khansaa ISIS brigade
* Now a deserter, she says British female jihadists would take the lead on torture
* Hajer herself would take pleasure in torturing women in front of their families
A female ISIS deserter has spoken of how she would revel in torturing other women in front of their family members during her time in an all-girl jihadist brigade in Raqqa, Syria.
The woman, only known as Hajer, also reveals that the British female jihadists would be the most sadistic torturers, and would use a tool known as a 'biter', reportedly able to inflict pain 'worse than childbirth'.
The 25-year-old was one of the first recruits to join the all-female Al-Khansaa brigade in 2014, a group of women jihadists that has been compared to Hitler's Gestapo.
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WNU Editor: Some of these girls are very young, and regardless of efforts from the West are going to face justice for their crimes .... Germany fights to stop ISIS schoolgirl, 16, being executed in Iraq after she was captured with jihadis in Mosul (Daily Mail). What's my take .... no one forced these young girls and women to join ISIS, they went willingly and they must be punished for their war crimes.