Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- June 29, 2017

Michael Auslin, The Atlantic: Is It Time to Reassess the U.S.-South Korea Alliance?

Washington's relationship with Seoul makes it a target for the Kim regime.

When South Korea’s President Moon Jae In greets President Donald Trump at the White House today, their warm smiles will do little to mask the fact that they meet at perhaps the most dangerous moment in the six-decade old U.S.-South Korean alliance. The failure of a quarter-century of diplomacy has left the North Korean dictatorship on the cusp of possessing a nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missile. For the first time since 1953, when the United States committed to protecting the South from another invasion from the North, the American homeland will soon come under direct threat from one of the world’s most ruthless regimes.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- June 29, 2017

South Korea Makes Time, Not War -- Phillip Orchard, Geopolitical Futures

How North Korea Could Go to War -- Robert Farley, National Interest

Iraqis wonder what will follow Islamic State in Mosul -- Matthias von Hein, DW

Turkish tensions undermine its role in NATO -- Zia Weise, Politico

Nato holds its peace as relations with Turkey degrade -- Arthur Beesley, Financial Times

Marawi battle only latest chapter in long, fraught history of Islam in Philippines -- Annabelle Quince and Patrick Carey, ABC News Online

Containing Marawi -- Troy E. Mitchell, The Strategist

Cyprus peace talks: an island caught between the EU and Turkey? -- Panagiotis Kouparanis, DW

America Obsesses About a Russia That Misses the '70s -- Noah Smith, Bloomberg

The Russian Trail in the Latest 'Ransomware' Attack -- Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg

What the helicopter attack tells us about the Venezuela crisis -- Marilia Brocchetto and Stefano Pozzebon, CNN

Venezuela's shield-bearing protesters inspired by Ukraine -- Victoria Ramirez and Andreina Aponte, Reuters

Condoleezza Rice: Trump Understands "Value of Alliances" -- AP

With CNN Flap, Media's Trump-Era Identity Crisis Continues -- Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone

Will the media learn from CNN's mistakes? Prepare to be disappointed -- Joe Concha, The Hill

The back door to a new arms race -- Thomas Graham Jr. and Bernadette Stadler, Politico

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